Vol 3|Issue 3|2018

Water Sport Tours – Karnataka
Bangalore is one of the most progressive and cosmopolitan cities in India. The salubrious weather and many exquisite cafés, restaurants and pubs make it a perfect place to unwind. The city has earned its name as ‘the gardencity’ because of its many peaceful lush green gardens. A concoction of modernity and conventionality.The silicon valley of India has retained its colonial charm with beautiful parks and the striking Victorian era architecture. The undulating terrain,lakes, and rivers around

The Rarámuri Tribe – running people / foot-runner / swift of foot.
The Rarámuri or Tarahumara are a group of Indigenous people ofthe Americas living in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. They are renowned fortheir long-distance running ability.Nestled in northern Mexico and the canyons of the Sierra Madre Occidentalis a small tribe of indigenous people known as the Tarahumara. They callthemselves Rarámuri, loosely translated as “running people,” “foot-runner,”“swift of foot,” or “he who walks well.”Originally inhabitants of much of Chihuahua, the Rarámuriretrea

TCS World 10K – Bengaluru
The 11th edition of the TCS World 10K, a Gold Label race onSunday the 27th of May and was sponsored by the Tata Consultancy Services to mark the 50 years of TCS and the150th anniversary of the Tata Group. TheIndian Elite line-up boasts of a complementary mix of recent champions andcourse record holders, while registrations for all other categories was peggedat 24,088 runners.The ‘Mirchi Get Active’ Expo was held on the 24th, 25th &26th at Elaan Convention Centre and powered by Godrej Prope

One-third of the world’s nature reserves threatened by humans
In the 146 years since Yellowstone National Park in thenorth-western United States became the world’s first protected area, nationsaround the world have created more than 200,000 terrestrial nature reserves.Together they cover more than 20 million km², or almost 15% of the planet’sland surface – an area bigger than South America.Governments establish protected areas so that plants and animalscan live without human pressures thatmight otherwise drive them towards extinction. These are special p

My Path To Find Chi…
I stared across the length of the Zambezi River wearing a redhelmet and a life jacket wrapped around my upper body. The nonchalant winds ofan October morning brushed my face and the sun shone bright above my head. Ilooked across to my left and right and saw my fellow passengers who were goingto take this thrilling journey down the Zambezi river in a raft. The river wasroaring and we could see the high waves lashing against the stony shores. Mywife who supported me throughout stood next to me hol

Kayaking in India
What is KayakingKayaks have been described as ‘those smart little, slim littlecrafts’. The sight of a kayaker going through a rapid will definitely make its Eskimo inventor (who designedsuch a vessel for huntingseals) turn in his icy grave! Alternately known as paddling, kayaking involvestravelling on water using a kayak, a narrow boat manoeuvred by a double-blade paddle. A kayaksomewhat resembles a fishing boat, and usually comes fitted with a covered deck. There are two forms of kayaking – whi
Importance of Adventure in Life
What is adventure? Anadventure is something challenging. In addition, an adventure is something that takes us out of ourordinary lives. An adventure usually involves challenging ourselves or tryingout something new. The word ‘venture’ can mean to try something without knowingwhere it will take us.The word ‘adventure’usually has positive connotations. Though it may be challenging, an adventureusually makes us feel excited and energized.There are many differenttypes of adventure. It might be

How to Prepare for a White Water Rafting Trip
Rafting excursions are offered at travel destinations worldwide and can last for a few hours or an entire week. Whether riding the rapids on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe,or floating downstream in Alaska, you can arrive prepared for the great adventure with a proper pre-raft workout plan, attire, and raft-and-paddle know-how.Building a Pre-RaftWorkout1) Warm up by stretching.Shoulder strain is a common white-water rafting injury and proper stretching

How Do You Count Endangered Species? Look to the Stars
The conversation startedover a fence dividing two backyards. On one side, an ecologist remarked thatsurveying animals is a pain. His neighbor, an astronomer, said he could see objectsin space billions of light years away.And so began an unusualpartnership to adapt tools originally developed to detect stars in the sky tomonitor animals on the ground.The neighbours, StevenLongmore, the astronomer, and Serge Wich, the ecologist, both of Liverpool’sJohn Moores University in England, made their bac
Glossary of Canoe Terminology
ABEAM To the right, or at right angles to the centreof a craft.AFLOAT Floating. Not stuck on a rock or sandbar.AFT Towards the rear, or stern, of the canoe.AGROUND Stuck-usually on a shoal or rock-when you didn’tintend it to be.ASTERN Towards the rear, behind, or at the back of yourcanoe.BACK-PADDLE Paddling backward to slow or reverse the forward motion of acanoe.BEAM

First Indian ‘father-daughter’ – duo scale Mount Everest
Deeya Bajaj and Ajeet Bajajbecame the first Indian father-daughter duo to summit Mount Everest. Theysummitted world’s highest peak at dawn on May 16, 2018.Ajeet Bajaj, a renownedadventurer-explorer, and Deeya, his fearless daughter-protégé and mountaineer,embarked on this incredible journey last month on April 16 when they reachedbase camp at 16,700 feet above sea level. Their expedition offeredthem varied experiences from hard acclimatisation hikes to North Col at 23,000feet to easy Uno days a

Exciting Water Sports in India
If you are a water sportsenthusiast or an adventure junkie, you have come to the right place. We aregoing to talk about all there is to know about water sports in India. India is increasingly becomingone of the top adventure sports destinations of the world. Some of the topwater sports activitiesin India include Scuba Diving, River Rafting, Knee-boarding, Kayaking, JetSkiing and much more. Read on to know more about the top 10 water sportsactivities in India and the best destinations in India yo
Rafting and white-waterrafting are recreational outdoor activities which use an inflatable raft to navigatea river or other body of water. This is often done on white-water or differentdegrees of rough water. Rapids are hydrologicalfeatures between a run (a smoothly flowing part of a stream) and a cascade. Rapids are characterised by the river becoming shallower with somerocks exposed above the flow surface. ‘White Water’ Rafting. …White-water is formed in a rapid, when a river’s gradient incr

Climate change threatens one of the world’s most resilient lizards
Sporting a bright red-and-yellow dewlap under its chin, the color-changing Bahamian anole lizards a popular exotic pet. This wily alone has escaped captivity on enough occasions to successfully invade large areas across the Western Hemisphere. At first glance, this suggests that the anole is well-suited to adapt to changing climate. But a new study led by a Smithsonian researcher, suggests that may not be the case.Michael Logan, post-doctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institut

Biodiversity and Conservation
What is Biodiversity?Biodiversity is a modern term which simply means “the variety oflife on earth”. This variety can be measured on several different levels.Genetic – variation between individuals of the same species. Thisincludes genetic variation between individuals in a single population , as well as variations between different populations of the same species. Genetic differences can now be measured using increasinglysophisticated techniques. These differences are the raw material of evolut

15 River Rafting Destinations in India
River rafting in India hasemerged as one of the most popular sports? Pointing through the unbridled water and passing through parlous rapids, he who is an adventurer at heart onlyrealizes. If you haven’t got a chance to experience this utterly water sport then pack your bagsand be ready to become adventurer this summer.1. Indus RiverNothing can be moreadventurous than river rafting in the Indus river- known as ‘Singhe Khababs’ or‘Out of the Lion’s Mouth’. Offering magnificent views of Ladak

10 Best Places for Adventure Travel in Europe – 2018
Tired of a humdrum existence and looking for a real adventure?Why not have European adventures? Explore the wilderness ofIceland,bungee jump off a bridge in Interlaken, or go up, up, and away in a hot airballoon over Cappadocia! With top adventures in Europe, you get to spend money onexperiences, not things, and collect cool stories like other folks collectluxury handbags.Adventure travel in Europe doesn’t always mean risking yourpersonal safety. It’s also about getting out of your comfort zone